Discover of comet C/1946 P1 : Albert Francis Arthur Lofley Jones

 Name: Albert Francis Arthur Lofley Jones

Birthdate: 9 Aug 1920

Birthplace: Christchurch, New Zealand


Today is the anniversary of the birth of amateur astronomer Albert Francis Arthur Lofley Jones. His achievements include the discovery (on 6 Aug 1946 while observing the variable star U Puppis) of comet C/1946 P1 (Jones) and the co-discovery on 18 Nov 2000 (with astronomer Syogo Utsunomiya of Kumamoto, Japan) of the long-period comet C/2000 W1 (Utsunomiya-Jones) (pictured here on 18 Jan 2001). 

He was also the co-discoverer of supernova SN 1987A (seen here as the bright star to right of centre of image) in the Large Magellanic Cloud. However, Albert Francis Arthur Lofley Jones is perhaps best remembered for his remarkable skills as a variable star observer. 

He was also the co-discoverer of supernova SN 1987A (seen here as the bright star to right of centre of image) in the Large Magellanic Cloud. However, Albert Francis Arthur Lofley Jones is perhaps best remembered for his remarkable skills as a variable star observer. A member of the Variable Star Section of the Royal Astronomical Society of New Zealand, he achieved a milestone in 1963 when he became the sixth astronomer in history to record 100,000 observations of variable stars, this tally increasing to 500,000 observations in 2004

His estimates of visual brightness estimates were extremely precise and were reported to be accurate to within one twentieth of a magnitude. The minor planet 3152 Jones, discovered on 7 Jun 1983 by New Zealand astronomers Alan Charles Gilmore and Pamela M. Kilmartin from the University of Canterbury Mount John Observatory, is named in his honour.


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